The Instagram in feed post also doubled as the podcast cover. Prior to coming on board, The Tease had a very different visual identity and went through a rebrand which I helped with. One of the tasks was rebranding their podcast. We wanted a simple, minimal look, which was easily edited to fit different headshots from different celebrity guests. For simple branding, The Tease mark is placed in the top righthand corner, with the Volume Up logo placed in the bottom right. The consistency of these elements, along with the wave and font choice, made this recognizable for our viewers.
We had to figure out a way to show our podcast in an enjoyable way, while also remaining accessible for viewers. We came up with a split screen format which showed the host on the bottom, while the celebrity guest would be on the top. All captions was using a branded font, Ivy Presto, and was written in capital case and outlined for legibility.
The Instagram in feed post also doubled as the podcast cover. Prior to coming on board, The Tease had a very different visual identity and went through a rebrand which I helped with. One of the tasks was rebranding their podcast. We wanted a simple, minimal look, which was easily edited to fit different headshots from different celebrity guests. For simple branding, The Tease mark is placed in the top righthand corner, with the Volume Up logo placed in the bottom right. The consistency of these elements, along with the wave and font choice, made this recognizable for our viewers.